Enterprise Infrastructure Services will provide planning, management, and support for the campus network; and system-level hardware resources for servers, storage, backup, and centralized data center environments to ensure that long-term sustainability, reliability, and capacity needs for the campus are met. This team will also manage and support the emerging VoIP platform, legacy telephone services, and user account services, as well as the campus's electronic access control and security camera systems.
Thomas D. Killian, B.A.
Associate VP of IT Twin Rise Center C3Office: (716) 878-4558
Email: killiatd@buffalostate.edu
Thomas D. Killian's profile
Dominic J. Anastasi, A.S.
Network Analyst Twin Rise Center C3JOffice: (716) 878-5233
Email: anastadj@buffalostate.edu
Dominic J. Anastasi's profile

Paul J. Bentkowski, M.S.Ed.
Senior Systems Programmer Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: bentkopj@buffalostate.edu
Paul J. Bentkowski's profile

Daniel S. Blachaniec, B.S.
Interim Director, EIS Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: blachads@buffalostate.edu
Daniel S. Blachaniec's profile
Matthew S. DeFries, M.A.
Mgr, Access Cntrl+ Elec Secu Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: defriems@buffalostate.edu
Matthew S. DeFries's profile
Mary Jo Graham, B.A.
Mgr, User Account Services Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: grahammj@buffalostate.edu
Mary Jo Graham's profile

Maria C. Garrity, M.S.Ed.
Senior Systems Programmer Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-3570
Email: hejnamc@buffalostate.edu
Maria C. Garrity's profile
Nicholas J. Morgan Anderson, B.S.
Systems Programmer Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: andersnj@buffalostate.edu
Nicholas J. Morgan Anderson's profile

Neilhall J. Palmer, B.S.
Network Support Programmer Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: palmern@buffalostate.edu
Neilhall J. Palmer's profile
Luann M. Root, B.S.
Telecommunications Specialist Twin Rise Center C3Office: (716) 878-3333
Email: gryczylm@buffalostate.edu
Luann M. Root's profile
Mithun J. Shriyan, M.S.
Network Analyst Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: shriyamj@buffalostate.edu
Mithun J. Shriyan's profile