Kari A. D'Amico, M.S.
IT Project and Contract Manager Bulger Communication Center 404Office: (716) 878-4544
Email: damicoka@buffalostate.edu
As part of the IT Project Management Office, Kari is an experienced project manager overseeing IT projects and contract management operations across the Buffalo State campus. She has a master’s degree in Creativity and Change Leadership, a certificate in Project Management and over 25 years of experience in Information Technology. Kari's work supports IT project efforts while ensuring new and evolving contracts align with campus needs, licensing and compliance. Her efforts ensure functional users are trained, project outcomes satisfy the original sponsor and stakeholder goals, and that communication and documentation are addressed in the leadup to the eventual sponsor sign-off when a project is completed. Kari is also an active member on SUNY Buffalo State Senate as an elected Senator at Large, serves on the Budget and Staff Allocations Senate Committee (BSAC) and a member of the Professional Staff Caucus (PSC) Executive Board.