Ali A. Alhobabi, B.S.
Client Systems Supervisor Twin Rise Center 206Office: (716) 878-4611
Email: alhobaaa@buffalostate.edu
Ali Alhobabi is the Client Systems supervisor. He graduated from Buffalo State with a degree in Computer Information Systems. He's responsible for most campus wide hardware needs such as desktops, laptops and peripherals. He installs, configures, replaces and provides second-level technical support for workstations in labs, instructional spaces and faculty/staff offices. To assist him, Ali also hires, trains and supervises a team of student employees for first-level technical support, and often hosts interns from the Computer Information Systems program. He is one of the lead technicians responsible for the Pay-for-Print System (Pharos), and often deals with vendors to resolve hardware and software issues and Dell Hardware Warranty requests.